
Akshay Mahajan in ENR: “Technology Needs to Bridge Generational and Operational Divides”

Written by Carrie Mahon | Aug 19, 2021 4:00:00 AM

Architects, engineers and contractors can use their technology solutions, cloud or desktop, to better communicate


The construction industry finds itself straddling two very different worlds.

On one hand, the relationships-first business mindset is still an integral part of winning repeat business, yet on the other, decades-worth of institutional knowledge begins to fade with new leaders rising in firms faced with manual processes tied to business pursuit details. While firms still rely heavily on a generation of workers who remember what the business was like before the Internet, the focus today is on future-proofing the business, an undertaking that will rest mostly in the hands of a younger, digitally forward breed of employee.

For firms that are proactively planning based on the realities of an aging workforce, the challenge goes beyond merely reconciling these two distinct worlds. Their growth depends on them finding ways to not only blend the traditional — and still highly relevant — relationships-first way of doing business with the digital-first sensibilities and savvy of younger members of the workforce, but to get the best of both worlds.

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