Success Story
How Deep Water Point & Associates increased billing efficiency by 60% and pay 30% faster with Unanet
Deep Water Point and Associates is no stranger to challenges. With a mission to help government...
Motivation for Seeking a New CRM Solution: To support the growth of the company, the organization needed a platform to integrate data across multiple departments. The goal was to provide marketers the real-time data access, not only to create the volume of proposals needed, but also to ensure they’re accurate,
informative and competitive.
The legacy system wasn’t able to support the needs of its marketing department as the company experienced rapid growth.
The organization was unhappy with the level of service it was receiving from the current provider.
The CEO committed to supporting a new CRM system, but it had to be implemented and integrated within a tight 90-day window.
The senior management team wanted better insights on win rates, performance against plan, and return on effort when deciding on what bids to pursue.
The organization selected Unanet CRM by Cosential because:
Providing a centralized and stable environment for the entire organization and multiple divisions without third-party overlays.
It supported the needs of the organization, which including 16,000 projects involving 1,700 people, and 750 proposals annually.
Designed for the industry, the system was ready-made to integrate across functional areas of the organization.
The ability to pull archive data to predict win rates, and enable more accurate bids and forecasting.
“Every implementation that I’ve worked with Unanet CRM, I’ve always felt that Unanet knows my company. They know what I’m nervous about, what I’m OK with. They know that I’m OK to take risks. They know I trust them.” – Vice President of Marketing.
We would not be able to submit 750 proposals a year if we couldn’t do them efficiently. Without that system and without the expertise of staff, the ability to handle four proposals at one time — no one could do that if you don’t know where the data is. It has to be there quickly. So while they’re very stressed about their deadlines, they know they don’t have to be stressed about their data.