Exploring AI

Assess your GovCon’s AI-readiness with the AI Maturity Model

AI is changing the way we work faster than we can keep up. But how prepared is your GovCon for this new reality?

4 minute read

Government contractors are increasingly harnessing the power of AI to enhance their effectiveness and efficiency. But have you ever paused to consider how mature your organization’s AI implementation really is?

The 2024 GAUGE Report from Unanet and CohnReznick explores this topic, outlining four distinct levels of AI maturity specifically designed for government contractors. Understanding where your GovCon is on this model right now can help you leverage AI to its fullest potential.

Level 1: Resistant

Being AI-resistant means GovCons at this level have yet to embrace artificial intelligence, often holding back due to reservations and apprehensions about the technology.

This reluctance can stem from concerns about the implications of AI, the fear of disruption to established processes, or uncertainty about how to integrate such advancements effectively.

As a result, these organizations may struggle to keep pace with competitors who are leveraging AI to enhance efficiency and drive innovation.

Common traits for GovCons at this level include:

  • Siloed data with large amounts of data left unprocessed
  • Limited business intelligence and unreliable forecasts
  • Heavy reliance on spreadsheets and manual tools
  • No dedicated AI governance or expert stakeholders
  • Disjointed tools and processes hinder auditability
  • Minimal leadership engagement in AI initiatives

Level 2: Curious

These companies illustrate the early stages of embracing AI. Being AI-curious involves a willingness to explore and experiment with AI technologies, recognizing their potential to improve operations and enhance decision-making.

It’s about asking questions, seeking innovative solutions, and staying open to the possibilities that AI can bring. This mindset allows organizations to gradually integrate AI into their processes, paving the way for future advancements and a deeper understanding of how these tools can drive growth and efficiency.

Common traits for GovCons at this level include:

  • Some data system integration and occasional cleansing
  • Mix of spreadsheets and purpose-built platforms
  • Ad hoc AI use in select areas
  • Basic understanding of AI compliance and security needs
  • Identifiable internal AI champions emerging
  • Leadership supportive of AI exploration

Level 3: Emergent

Being AI-emergent means fostering an environment that encourages experimentation with AI technologies, empowering teams to leverage machine learning and automation to enhance productivity and creativity. This evolution goes beyond mere implementation. It reflects a cultural shift where data-driven insights guide strategy and innovation

As these organizations embrace AI, they not only enhance their operational efficiencies but also tap into new avenues for growth and transformation, positioning themselves at the forefront of the industry.

Common traits for GovCons at this level include:

  • Key data systems integrated with regular management
  • Comprehensive forecasting and dynamic business intelligence
  • AI use across many business areas
  • Dedicated technology committee with experienced stakeholders
  • AI implementation following industry best practices
  • High auditability from centralized platforms
  • Internal champions lead AI initiatives

Level 4: Mature

This level represents the goal for GovCons looking to derive the most value out of AI. Achieving this level of maturity involves not just adopting advanced AI technologies, but fully integrating them into the fabric of operations and decision-making processes.

It’s about cultivating a culture that embraces innovation and leverages data-driven insights to become more efficient and drive better business outcomes. The journey towards AI maturity involves setting ambitious goals, fostering collaboration across teams, and continuously evolving to meet the challenges of an ever-changing landscape.

Common traits for GovCons at this level include:

  • Seamless data system integration with proactive management
  • Real-time business intelligence and predictive forecasting
  • Firm-wide AI use with significant automation
  • Cross-functional technology committee with deep expertise
  • Fully compliant AI implementation with change management
  • Clear audit trails utilizing AI for rotational audits
  • AI proficiency included as part of employee performance evaluations
  • Leadership actively drives AI strategy

Understanding your organization's AI maturity level is crucial for determining where to focus growth and investment efforts. Assessing your current capabilities and readiness for AI adoption allows you to identify specific areas that need improvement, whether it's data management, project management, or business development.

This knowledge not only guides strategic decision-making but also ensures that resources are allocated effectively, enabling your organization to leverage AI technologies to drive innovation and maintain a competitive edge in the market.

To dive deeper into AI maturity and other key GovCon trends, download the full 2024 GAUGE Report today.